Oh Hello There 2018
Instead of finishing my final exam paper questions, here I am, opening my blogspot which I left like 3 months ago. And to be honest, it was more than that actually. Semenjak bertunang bulan 4 tahun lepas dan sibuk dengan benda yang tak sepatutnya disibukkan, I really really thought that blogging is not for me anymore. Tapi bila dah masuk 2018 ni rasa macam azam nak menulis balik tiba-tiba datang (don't trust me). Persoalannya, tak tahulah sejauh mana azam ni akan bertahan.
In sum up for 2017, it was the greatest year of my life. Tak boleh fikir nak letak ayat gempak macam lagi but it was really the bestest ever. Even though the opening was not so good, air mata mengalir sokmo kalah drama petang tv3, kalah cerita hindustan, kalah semua sinetronlah, tapi Alhamdulillah, I was walking out from 2017 with a big satisfaction smile on my face.
Because first, you may say that my love story was finally a happy ending. Tak payah susah-susah fikir nak buat kerja yang bukan-bukan yang mengarut semua, I had the wedding of my dream with the man I love and the feeling was so fantastic. Bukan sebab 'yeay-I-finally-got-married!!!' which is yes that one of the reason as well (hellooo I'll be 30 in three years) tapi faham tak bila kita dah berdepan dengan berbagai halangan, tentangan, orang cakap macam-macam, hasut untuk berpisah, dia ni tak layak untuk kau lah blah blah blah but I end up show them this is the man who made me happy and insyaAllah will makes me happy for the rest of my life. So the feeling is more like that. The feeling to make people believe with your choice. InsyaAllah, I'll never regret.
Hikmahnya, I learned that whatever you wish from Allah, He will definitely grant it. It's just a matter of time and the matter of effort you do in order to pursue what you believe and what you trust. In my case, I believe in intuition that 'this-is-the-right-guy-for-me!'. So yes, you already know what I did.
Ok, to sum it up, we finally got engaged in April, got married in August and now I wish to announce here that we're expecting our first child (yeaaaayyyyy). Alhamdulillah, another new family member will be deliver on July 2018. So I wish you can shoot me lots and lots and lots of prayers, doa yang baik-baik so that baby and me will be healthy and have a smooth landing in labor room soon, InsyaAllah.
The biggest part of all in 2017. Can't wait to see you dak kecik!
Another great achievement in 2017, Sofian and me has bought our very first house. Did mention in my previous blog post didn't I? So tak nak sembang panjanglah. Just aiming this year to decorate our home even better. Swear I have a lot of ideas in my head tunggu duit berkepok-kepok je ni haish. And pretty excited to prepare for the baby too.
Kerja? Haha, you know I don't really talk about career in my blogspot, right? But all I can say is, I gain a lot of experiences, handling seminars and all, got to know more of my colleagues, their perangai as well. Tu yang kadang-kadang rasa macam cepat tua sebab belajar banyak sangat pasal manusia. So that's it. Harapannya semoga tahun ni lebih taat dan setia dalam berkhidmat hendaknya. (Having a discipline husband makes you feel so bad nak buat benda-benda jahat kat tempat kerja.) You know, keberkatan dalam mencari rezeki and so on and on and on...
I got chances to travel a lot this year as well. Went to Cameron Highland for the first time (it was our honeymoon), brought mak and ibu and maklong to Langkawi (it was part of my hadiah for them bersusah payah for my kenduri kahwin - sort of), went to Pangkor as my first family vacation with my in-laws, oh ya, celebrating our first Hari Raya Aidiladha as husband and wife (it was just Aidiladha yet we argued about nak balik raya mana still - rolling eyes).
We made it for the last 4 months.
Looking forward for more and more silly moments with you husband!
Well, Ayet and Angah Ajib (both are my cousins) got engaged, more and more and more kenduri kahwin in future yeay, Jannah and Nurul (my school soulmates) got married as well, Anis got her second hero (Izzul is just so my future son-in-law), and Aimy got her degree (congrats sis), Adik is back on duty (after a looooooong tanam anggur break), Mak is getting healthy (alhamdulillah she can see like normal again), and her taste of color also changed now rumah is all white thanks to her bakal menantu yang tolong cat rumah sebelum raya haritu, and lastly Ayah is back to his kebun (seriously perlu mention jugak ke?)... Hah, well, those and many more I couldn't effort to mention here which are my happiness throughout 2017.
Thank you people!
Bet yours are more gempak. Anyway, this is what I feel like saying. It's quite a long post I know. Because I don't know when will I write again after this. The semester is getting hectic, the baby is coming, lot of duty for sure, but insyaAllah, I'll try my best to blog all the good memories (and the bad one also maybe) this year. So, till next post okay. Bye!
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