Again. It's a marathon entries I guess. And it's still about me and my boy (?). Bet you're going to vomit reading this dah la tak kahwin lagi post blog macam dia sorang ada laki. Yea, I know. People will be so menyampah so that's why I only brag about that human being in my blog. Instagram, rarely. Facebook? None ever! Nak mati ke kalau mak tau ni? But soon InsyaAllah, dialah kawan sampai hujung nyawa, even InsyaAllah to syurga. Amin.
So, as always, it will be a never ending short escape for us. Places after places. Even for a half working day pun jadilah. Like last Thursday. we had this short escape to Melakau for no particular reason (muak dengan Seremban probably), and jalan-jalan and that very evening I shoot back to college as my students were having their last paper and it was kinda fun even dragging him to my workplace, yea, sejenis perempuan clingy (not sorry for my behavior).
So introducing, Ain and MSM at Muzium Kapal Selam Melakaaaaa!!!
(beriya sangat ni kenapa)
The interior.
When MSM was so excited with these toys and I'll be like whatever whatever just follow him around. Well, we almost skip the visit actually because I have no such interest on these muzium muzium ape benda ni hoi but finally fell for 'alaaa, jomlah masuk tengok nanti lain kali orang sebut muzium kapal selam kita boleh action sikit' ewah ewah ewah nak berlagak rupanya.
To be honest, there's not so much thing to share. Just one old massive submarine, with it's (probably) real interior which is so sempit like I swear I will never be a marine crew EVER! And these two pesawat besides the submarine. Hmmm.
Ni bukan buat-buat punya pose. Accidentally he saw some spectacular phenomenon on the sky and point it when my camera timer has set.
And that's what I'm talking about. Nampak langit yang macam kaler pelangi tu? That's the reason he pointed his finger. And we were mesmerized for few minutes. I bet this makes our visit worth it.
And the best part of the day, tak tahu kenapa petang tu termengidam ciken buttermilk like I swear I will do anything to find it. And goggle played it's part. And nah, City Park Oriental was suggested as the place. And it was spectacular sepinggan itu ai sorang je ok. MSM rasa laa dalam seketul dua ayam. Ok that all for now. Lapa pulak tiba-tiba haish benci la cerita pasal makan ni...
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