Escape pergi Pahang pulak aih


I kept on whining to MSM that I want another escape. I need a serious break as if I have just finished international billionaire project or something? Cheh, perasan. But the feeling is somehow like that lah. Really, it was sooooo hectic that I keep on telling myself "enough with kerja la hoi ain natasha, get a life, get a life!"

So once MSM got so annoying with my whining things and agreed to fulfill my request for another escape (after Lumut last puasa), and all the burdens suddenly fell off. Haha. Beriya kan ayat. Well, here we go. His very first time to Genting and Bukit Tinggi. Been talking about this quite a lot. Siap screenshot and ask me "where is this place sayang?" (of course I add that last word), and I said, "Bukit Tinggi laaa, yang dekat dengan Genting tuuuuu." Because he was so mesmerized with the pictures tak sangka Malaysia have such place probably...

But then bila dah sampai?
(rolling eyes)

Ai je beriya ambek gamba. And he was all the time stick to his mobile macam ape ntah nak jalan ke nak main phone a.k.a pokemon? So I got this idea to ask him to snap my pictures. Lot more to upload here tapi rasa macam melampau pulak kalau upload semua kan. Because unexpectedly, he's good at taking pictures and to stop him from bercinta dengan handphone dia tu yuno menyampah kan bila orang tak bagi attention dekat kita.

I don't know if it's just me saying this but he really knows how to capture the moment.
Ok lah tak jadi nak menyampah dah.

Ok, menyampah balik. Apeni gemok!

Sometimes my selfie is much better hah!

But still he is good eleh tak habis-habis puji ni dah kenapa?

Or maybe I am just photogenic whenever I'm on camera?

Lucky us, got to pick those masak ranum strawberry and eat them fresh. My favourite style, dip it with chocolate hooooii suddenly rindunya nak pergi lagi. Yang belakang tu apesal petik tak pakai gunting? Nak curi ea?

Ok that's all. Not so much to blab because it's already been 2 or 3 weeks ke camana ntah. Mood to write properly pun tak tahu bila nak masuk, ni pun dok campur melayu inggeris otak tak boleh nak centralized la maknanya tu. Been on vacation pun masuk kerja serabut balik so nak kata ketenangan abadi tu takkan dapat selagi namanya berkerjaya aicheeeeyyyy. Dah la, menyampah pulak baca ayat sendiri. Ok bye.
