Escape with a prisoner ~ Part 1
Why prisoner? Because we both are. I'm a prisoner of my family and he's a prisoner's guard on training so literally he is a prisoner too. MSM. Remember about him still? Yea, I'm talking about him. It's true that we are not having any kind of relationship physically, but I can't help it that our heart are still attached to each other. I swear, nobody ever treat me the way he did. So, I couldn't give up on him (yet).
People might say I'm insane or anything. Against my own family just for a guy that I met recently (7 months, is it still recent?). Well, the thing is I did mention that even our own family can be so possessive they can't even allow us to get close with people other than their circle for some ridiculous reason but obviously I don't care.
So I went to Taiping again (last week doesn't count) since MSM got a weekend exception from his recruit period and we planned an escape. And that's how 'escape with a prisoner' comes into a title. (smirk)
People might say I'm insane or anything. Against my own family just for a guy that I met recently (7 months, is it still recent?). Well, the thing is I did mention that even our own family can be so possessive they can't even allow us to get close with people other than their circle for some ridiculous reason but obviously I don't care.
So I went to Taiping again (last week doesn't count) since MSM got a weekend exception from his recruit period and we planned an escape. And that's how 'escape with a prisoner' comes into a title. (smirk)
It starts with a Nasi Lemak Bawah Pokok Simpang (I made up this name of course), yea, I can't recall what is that warung name but their nasi lemak was pretty awesome. Well, since nasi lemak has become MSM's favorite meal now (other than nasi goreng). I bet this nasi lemak obviously satisfied him. Look at the lauk yumm. Price range also not bad. So thumbs up Nasi Lemak Bawah Pokok Simpang!
After a satisfied brunch and a hard-thinking-plan, MSM suggested we go to Penang. And Bukit Bendera suddenly pop up in my head like "Oh, I went to Bukit Larut last week, so why don't we climb up Bukit Bendera this time?" Yea yea, climb up lah sangat. Well, it's just an hour drive so I wouldn't mind at all since MSM is the one who's going to drive and it's hard to accept what we're going to do at that historical Taiping anyway like this one whole day? I meant to say, why don't we escape to a far far places first then tomorrow we visit Taiping ok? (with hope that Taiping people won't get mad when reading this)
Well, one thing that I love about being his (eeerrr... girlfriend?) Yea, literally one of his girl friendsss. Is that I love to show him lot of new things. Practically, we show each other a lots of new things but his part, not so much as mine (haha, angkuh). So, this is MSM first time to Penang. Like obviously he was so excited that he insist me to take his picture like this. The theme of this picture is 'drive cool-ly on Penang bridge' hah maybe because of my teacher's genes that makes me so excited and proud to be the first one who show him these teeny tiny little things and got him in this experience. Not like other people will care, I know. But for an alpha woman like me, I do. (yela tu alpha)

And for having this first Bukit Bendera experience together, it makes me moreee excited I couldn't even express it in words. But MSM as usual, try to act cool (in front of other people) like nothing excites him at all. But every time he's alone with me? This monkey aish, always make me feel like to kick his ass! Why so mengada hah?
As always. Pretend like he doesn't care unless I force him to be in camera. Never mind, syuuu syuuu. Go away from my camera. Hah, kidding. I in fact really really really eager to put all our picture together here but I guess I should act cool too. Huahaha. Yea, social media can be so mean sometimes. But who cares. If I'm not reasonable enough I can put the whole album here this is my blog anyway but well, I choose to be moderate lah.
Anyhow, this is the view once we reached the peak station. And it's raining can you see? So, there's a lot of cafes, souvenir stalls, museum even the keypad-love-lock-deck (idontknowwhatpeoplecallthisstop) and I was like gosh, why it's raining at this perfect moment why why why? So I insist MSM to wait for the rain to stop so I can go up there on the deck but we were waiting for almost an hour and I patient-less decided to buy payung so we can take a picture on the deck I don't care we've come this far how could we give up just because of the rain?
So here,
The eager for the keypad-love-lock-deck woman. See that love locksss???
Perhaps I should take this picture horizontally so you can see the deck view better. It was so beautiful argh, this selekeh monkey and his payung spoil everything. Haha, but, can you see soon we bought that payung and reach the deck, the rain stopped. Heck. I was so aaaarrggghhh, only if I can be patient just a little bit more. But actually, It kept on raining the whole evening. Just a tiny rain so we basically still need that payung. And I guess it's really a blessed rain that I could experience his care like he was holding that payung for me the whole time ouch!
And having this laichi kang together in one bowl. Ouch again.
And I keep ouch-ing haha. Kenjaaa.
(swear I love this picture)
So I guess that's all about Bukit Bendera. It was a really nice view up there. With the fresh after-rain air. Will definitely recommend this place for those who want to bercinta-cinta and who loves the high-peak view. Now, it's kari kepala ikan time. I actually after the sup kambing and MSM was after that kari kepala ikan. So we went to Hameed Sup at Georgetown. Done! Both craves fulfilled! FYI, that kepala ikan he eat all by himself. Amazed! It was the bapak besar kepala ikan yuno! How could he cleaned up the whole plate???
Anyway, around 6 something we went back to Taiping to change because I insist to go to Taiping Night Safari like I know he doesn't like it so much but I never been to Night Safari before so bear with me please.
Clearly he doesn't care.
But he does actually. Just that I can't show all of his pictures here that enough to describe how he patiently deal with my kiddy-kiddy attitude for the whole weekend (or rather I actually deal with his kiddy-kiddy attitude?). Whatever. The thing is, it's really hard to break us apart like I know I swore to mak that I won't be having any relationship with him anymore. But she doesn't know, that means, I won't be having any relationship with any other guys as well. Let her be. Anyway, I wasn't enjoy that Safari Night experience so much. Perhaps, Zoo at a day is better. And without hoping on the train. Bring payung and water if its freaking bright sunny day ok! This zoo is freaking large don't say I didn't warn you.
So, be right back very soon.
Another escape with a prisoner is coming up.
It's part 2 people!!!
Another escape with a prisoner is coming up.
It's part 2 people!!!
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