Throwback April - Abang dah kawen ~ Part 1
My little cousin brother is officially a husband now. Don't make that weird face. He's 24 this year anyway. So, being a sister doesn't mean I can be exceptionally happy (or excited more than the groom himself) because it's reaaaaaaalllyyy been a while since we had any wedding occasion in our family both mak and ayah side. (well, of course with the question, 'kak long bila lagi?'). Like I wish I can stab that question popper I swear.
Here, the mok-mok genes. And it's also been a while since we had this 'convoy' thing yea you know time has changed and people changed. It was so tiring yet fun come on you're not having this kawen stuff like every year. So, blend it in your blood as much as you can and deal with a freaking hot weather lah.

I do hope this picture is no surprise to you.
So we had this chronology before we went to the bride's house, you know, getting up so early in the morning (macam hari raya), had a super early breakfast like 6AM something in the morning, had a gossip session as well, then put a dress on, make up on...
Henna on... haha. Having an artistic sister that you could take advantage while waiting for the why-its-taking-so-long-to-get-ready bride eventually save the day. Well, besides texting with your college student crush along the way to Parit Raja (bride's hometown) and yeah, I can't help it but really, wedding things sometimes can be so bored to death. (I'll promise mine will be so quick and efficient just the way I want)
#satisfiedcustomer #thankskakak
Oh, here's kakak. My only same-aged cousin. Married. With a daughter. And she loves udang pengantin so much. I know my face doesn't express well. But I was so excited meeting her in person you know facebook chat can be so annoying sometimes so it doesn't count.
And here's abang. My grown up little brother like who knows you're mature enough to be sooooo ready facing up new phase of life I mean, God knows best anyway. So, congrats bro. I wish you all the good good things in life and for you both to stay until syurga. Selamat bercinta my dear.
Well, you guys too the other cousinsssss.
Experiencing another kampung style wedding I mean you must stay for 'abang dah kawen part 2' ya!
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